Prototypes and series production from a single source

Extensively tested

Until it is used by the customer

DEVELOPMENT - thought out down to the last detail


Thermo-Mini / Experiment CosmicKiss:

Technology from Hambühren onboard the ISS

‘Cosmic Kiss’ – that is the name of German Astronaut Matthias Maurer’s spaceflight, which is planned for end of 2021. On his six month mission Matthias will perform various scientific experiments onboard the International Space Station ISS.

Wind energy

Wind energy / heat pumps

driven system with innovative management system from KORA

- PSW - Energiesysteme GmbH is introducing for the first time a heat pump drive system that uses wind power, a new approach in energy efficiency.

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ThermoLab TL 08

Effective Body Core Temperature Measurement

There are different ways for measuring physical and psychological stresses. Deriving stress from body temperature measured under scientifically established conditions is one of them.

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Unsere Hardware für „Mars 500“


KORA Hardware for the "Mars 500" Spaceflight Simulation

The scientific world expects the first manned space flight to Mars to take place within the next 30 years, that is, by 2040. Indeed, the countdown has already begun behind the scenes - even in Hambühren.

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