General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

Terms of Delivery

Deliveries and services are performed exclusively in accordance with the common General Delivery Terms and Conditions for Products and Services of the Electronics Industry of the Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie (ZVEI) e.V., the Central Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industry.

Additional Clause: Warranty

Warranties are effective as of the date of delivery. The warranty period is 24 months for the invoiced party, unless otherwise specified.
For third-party products delivered by us or included in our products, we are liable only to the extent that our suppliers are obligated by warranty to us.

In these cases, we may release ourselves from the warranty obligation by transferring any warranty claims against our suppliers to the purchaser. No further claims shall apply, particularly liability for consequential damages.

Travel costs incurred to accomplish warranty claims, will not be accepted, respectively or invoiced by us.

In the event a claim for performance is asserted, such shall always refer to the invoiced party.